Monday, 7 January 2013

Jobs For people with great English with Sales Experience

We are looking for people with great English with Sales Experience; we want people who can close sales deals, who have call centre experience. If you have great English, sales experience, and you like outbound sales e mail us, we will pay you 3,000 to 5,000 base plus commission if you qualify. A good closer can easily make 8,000 LE per month.

Send an e mail to put the words I CAN CLOSE in the subject so we know you want the closer position. All other resumes will be saved for a later time currently we want an experienced openers & closers.


Right now we need Sales people that can open and close their own deals.

We pay 3,000 LE base plus commissions for openers & 5,000 LE base plus commissions for Closers.

You must have the following if you want to interview

1. Great English, it’s an American company. If you don’t speak and understand English very well we cannot hire you this time.

2. You must have experience in a telesales environment and you must have a successful sales history

3. You must be able to close deals after we train you.

4. PUT IN THE SUBJECT:I CAN OPEN if you’re an opener

5. E mail