Out-door Sales Rep. for Mobinil
Job Description:
. Out-door small corporate sales for business lines for Mobinil
. Minimum of 1 year experience in sales
. Bachelor degree
Job Package:
. Basic salary 1200
. Target 30 Card per month
. Commission 1000
. Bonus 250
. Total salary if target is achieved: 2450
. If above target by 40% (sold 42 cards) is achieved , commission become 2000 , total: 3450
Send an Email at : mohamed.kadry@newlife-recruitment.com OR mohamed.saad@newlife-recruitment.com
with a job code ( A 1 )
For Applying call :
0100 1817189
010 17 00 4236
Address for the first HR interview: 128 Sudan St. Elmohandeseen from Gameat Eldewal next to El-alezeh palace, same building of KFC & Mobinil, 5th floor, New.Life Company